
Unani for Diabetics Works Efficiently in Diabetic Patients

The menace of lifestyle diseases has been widely spread in this mismanaged and hectic urban life. The entire food culture of the society is getting changed and the adoption of western food culture has resulted in various metabolic disorders. Diabetes is one of the common diseases under this category. Obviously, diabetes is concerned with diet and lifestyle management. Mere modifications in one’s lifestyle can reduce the possibility of diabetes and its vast complications. The number of the persons affected by diabetes is enormously increasing day by day.

Diabetes is caused when glucose in the blood, commonly known as blood sugar, abnormally increases in the body of a person. This state of the body reduces or stops the production of insulin, which burns the excess glucose in the body. The sufficient insulin for an individual’s body is produced in an internal organ known as pancreas. The pancreas of diabetic patient can no longer produce insulin. Hence the deficiency of insulin is managed by injecting insulin to the patient’s body. This is followed normally in allopathic treatment and does not promise a total cure. Here comes the prominence of Unani treatment for curing diabetes. 

Unani treatment for diabetes is strongly advisable as this stream of treatment believes in entire cure of diabetes. Unani medication along with some external exercises and dietary management can retain the normal state of glucose cycle in the body. The injecting of insulin is not advised in Unani treatment and the intake of medicines leaves no side effects. The treatment method in Unani includes appropriate medication and a well balanced diet.

Unani treatment can retain the activities of pancreas cells, which is not possible in allopathic treatment. Allopathy treatment can only balance the blood sugar and cannot cure this disease completely. Also continuous consumption of allopathic medicines will adversely affect the body. Unani medication is free from any sort of side effects as it is a type of herbal treatment.

There is a misconception that excess intake of sweetmeat, chocolates etc is the main cause of diabetes. It is a factor; also an imbalanced consumption of carbohydrates too can lead to the cause of diabetes. The food items including carbohydrates namely rice, potatoes, oily food, fruits and starchy food items, should be sidelined in the diet of a diabetic patient. Unani advises a balanced dietary plan including fiber rich products and raw vegetables which can control and prevent diabetes and its further complications. 

In the case of every disease prevention is better than cure. To prevent diabetes is much easier than curing it. Keeping this in mind, we should follow a well planned diet, exercise on regular basis and manage our sleeping ours to keep our body away from diseases. We have to strictly follow some healthy resolutions for healthy and wealthy life. Here you can access our online Unani clinic. Our specialist Unani practitioners can help you find solace from diabetic intricacies.