
Unani Hijama Treatment: One of the fastest pain relief treatments

Unani Hijama Treatment is one of the fastest pain relief treatment known to mankind. If you are suffering from acute Sciatica, Neck pain or disc pain just find a Unani Doctor who is also a hijama practitioner. You can believe it yourself , the magic of Unani healing within minutes, without any analgesics and without any anesthesia...

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Know the Symptoms of Diabetes!

1. Always Tired
2. Frequent Urination
3. Sudden Weight Loss
4. Wounds that won't heal
5. Sexual problems
6. Always Hungry
7. Blurry Vision
8. Tingling fingers
9. Always thirsty
10. Vaginal Infections


Unani and Prophetopathy

Beware of Quacks ! 

Unani and Prophetopathy? Unani is a system of medicine originated in Greek by Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) and developed by eminent Arab scholars like Ibnuseena and Razi. Now When the Mughals and Arabs came to India, this system was spread to India where it is getting popularised day by day. This system is accepted by WHO. It has proved to be one of the best systems of medicine to cure almost all the ailments. There are medical colleges where this is taught and great researches and developments are going on this field of medicine from time to time.

The Prophetopathy is related to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As you all know 'Hadees' are the words, activities, preaching and permissions by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which are to be accepted and to be followed. The Health advices came in hadees and Quran are collectively known as Prophetic medicine. This cannot be researched as they were his words or activities and he has left us 1400 years ago. These advices were specific to the person and to the case. For e.g., Prophet has said there is cure for everything but death in Black Cumin (Kalonji or Kaali zeera). But he himself advised another man to drink honey as he complained of Stomach ache. He must have advised to eat black cumin or to have black cumin for everyone for everything. So it's obvious that he said these in response to different cases and in different situations. It is like the saying "whoever says -la ilaha illa Allah, enters the heaven". It doesn't mean one can simply say 'La ilaha illallah' and sit home and believe him to be safe and in heaven. Prophet never initiated any medical clinic nor developed any branch of treatment. No evidence could be brought to prove that Prophet made any new medications, but preached from his wisdom or from Ilham (the great thought from Allah, the Almighty) 

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